School is starting again & so AWANA will also begin September 4th.
Registration will be Wednesday, August 28th at Jules’ Ice Cream in Cuba from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. or you can register on-line.
Complete the form below to register!
Times: from 4:00pm to 6:00pm After school transportation and help with home work if needed. No meal, but snacks will be offered. Please see the details below.
We recognize that children need their evening routines and sleep, so we are changing the times for AWANA this year to 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We are planning to have after school transportation on the school bus to the church if your child attends VALLEY public schools. Parents are encouraged to bring their children. Cuba children can be picked up in the church vans, however the church is encouraging parents to bring your child(ren) as drivers and seat space is limited. If you child rides the school bus and arrives early, we can help with any home work if needed or requested or children will participate in organized activities. Going home, parents are encouraged to pick up their children or the church van can bring your children home only if needed. We will not be providing a meal this year, only a snack.
This program runs concurrent with the school calendar. When school is in session, so is AWANA. If school is out due to weather or holiday breaks, so is AWANA. Our AWANA program brings the Word of God to boys & girls ages 3 through 12 (Pre-K through 6th grade). Our goal is to prepare young people to “do life” with God’s word in their hearts. They have a “snack “, hear Bible lessons, sing songs, learn memory verses, play games and pray.
They are grouped from Pre-K through Kindergarten (Cubbies) 1st through 2nd grade (Sparks) and 3rd grade through 6th grade (Truth and Training). Transportation can be provided if needed.
Please join our AWANA Face Book page after you register your child at AWANA Clubs at FICC by clicking on the link below.